A simple yet effective php web counter

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     Who's Martijn?

Customizing is easy!

Editing the counter to suit your style and taste is easy

1. Colors
The main remark here is to delve into english.php or of course the language file of your choice. This file not only places the language into a bunch of strings to be used all over the counting scripts, it also contains the following section:

// Lay out thingies - edit to your liking
$textcolor = "#CCCCCC";
$textsize = "75%";
$backgroundcolor = "#000000";
$highlightedcolor = "#8CD749";
$whitecolor = "#FFFFFF";
$font = "lucida, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif";

These codes are used in the css-section in index.php. So if you want to change the look of your counter, just change the values to your liking. Experiment away, there isn't much that can go wrong!

2. Code
Furthermore, you can delve into the code and add or remove routines to your liking. It's all thoroughly commented, so you should find your way through. Check out the structure of the web counter in Point 2. The path to understanding.

If you change parts and consider your edits usefull/better than the original, please send me a patch, i'll look to it and will place it online in a fork or merge it in the main code.
Happy hacking!