A simple yet effective php web counter

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Yes, it is easy!

Installing this web counter is extremely easy. If you have just a little experience in website creation (html/php and ftp) you are able to pull this job. So here's three Paths to knowing what your visitors do right now.

1. The Quick Path

2. The Path To Understanding
Now you have your counter working, you might want to take a more thorough look at the code. There's a lot of cross referencing going on, so it's all extensively documented in the code itself. If you take your time you should be able to figure it all out. There are a few things i would like to tell you about it.  (read more)

3. The Path To Cleanliness
The Simple Yet Effective PHP Web Counter comes with an integrated cleaning interface. This is a php-page (cleanup.php) that makes it possible to maintain your installation. Mainting means: wiping all data from the database files to start counting again. Which is practical, because all data is retained and your db-files will grow, and grow, and grow.  (read more)